As the summer closes, I've been feeling this tug to get my life in order - to spend some time seeking God's heart, to discern what His will is for me in this next season, to evaluate how I've been spending my time and what things need to be arranged or even eliminated on my list of priorities. In short, to gain clarity.
Different questions have been coming to mind over the last few weeks -
"Am I honoring You in the way I'm living my life, God? Am I listening to Your voice? Are there things You want changed? Am I moving in the right direction?"
These questions touch on smaller issues (entertainment choices comes to mind) and bigger ones like my work, finances, spiritual life, and other commitments. Of course, we need to be seeking God's counsel and making decisions about these types of things even on a day to day basis, but I really feel it's important and beneficial to set aside larger chunks of time once in a while just to worship God, evaluate our lives, and seek discernment in the areas He reveals.
Today has been that time for me - I've had the house to myself and have just been spending unhurried time seeking God through worship, prayer, and reading His Word. It's been good! If anyone is interested in reading about it, maybe I could do a post or two on what this time has looked like for me...
I am so looking forward to Autumn! I would love to hear about your time with the Lord; it's always encouraging to hear what God is saying to others' hearts. While they're eating pie crust.
Ha! Thanks for the laugh! I'll have you know, Angela, that I was NOT eating pie crust today! (In a perfect world though, I might have been!)
I have been asking myself a lot of the same questions! God has been dealing with me about how my life looks to other people!...I would love to hear about your time with God!!
How wonderful to bask in the Wonderful Love of our God. Yes I would love to hear about it, but you have to share the pie crust. :)
About the middle name... it will remain a mystery. Ha! :)
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