No, it's not easy to comprehend the fact that believers are suffering persecution to such extremes in this day and age. Some of us would rather not even face reality and think about it. But let's heed Scriptures admonition to
Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body. Hebrews 13:3
Hi Stephanie - Thanks for posting this. I watched the video and ended up putting it on my blog too. Praying with you sister.
There is severe persecution taking place all over the world in ways we, in this century do not expect to have to find.
I read yesterday, where there is now an approved practice of crucifixion in Darfur.
On a side note, Stephanie. You asked a question on Angela's page. The answer I am giving is, 'both'.
I think love is a result of Salvation. It comes by way of the holy spirit guiding us to "keep in step with the spirit".
Also, Galations 5:6, in reference to what matters, circumcission vs. faith expressing itself in love. Paul says, the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love.
Jesus says, 'Love' is the fulfillment of the law. James calls it a Royal 'Law'. Jesus says, a new command I give you, love one another. As I have loved you so you MUST love one another.
Jesus says, the prophets and the law all hang on the commands to love the lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and the second most important command, Love your neighbor as yourself.
I want to point out that this is not works for salvation. Salvation comes through faith by grace.
What most people do not easily see is that salvation is to have a relationship with God made available through faith. Not the law of works.
I have written an entire manuscript about this. Love One Another .
I will not get into any debates about it, though. I've allowed myself to go this direction before. Only one time, after several exchanges with this guy named Penn, did we come to an understanding. And, I'm not certain he was sincere in agreeing.
Thanks Edie! I checked out the other videos that you have on your blog as well.
Jim, thanks for your response. I'll look over that manuscript. (And don't worry, I'm not looking for a debate.)
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