1. To correspond in form or character; be similar.
2. To act or be in accord or agreement; comply
3. To act in accordance with current customs or modes.
1. To correspond in form or character; be similar.
2. To act or be in accord or agreement; comply
3. To act in accordance with current customs or modes.
How desperately we need spiritual sight - to see as God sees, to cultivate a biblical perspective!
It is too easy to begin to think and see as the world does. To become lazy, comfortable, at ease in daily living so that this shift from biblical thinking to worldly thinking happens so quickly and even unnoticeably.
Here in North America (and other places, perhaps) we think we have such a modern, educated, "enlightened" society. We believe we're okay. Are there problems? Don't worry, we have law enforcement, doctors, treatments, prescription drugs, psychiatrists, counselors, scientists, educators, and of course, Oprah. We are working towards a better world, a utopia.
And we think we're good people. It's not that hard, really. Do a few good deeds here and there, don't intentionally hurt others, and above all, be absolutely tolerant to differing religions, view-points, beliefs, etc. No absolute standard of truth for the truly enlightened individual.
God help us! As Christians, we need to see through all this white-washed nonsense, to have an accurate (which means biblical) picture of the true, deepest need of humanity - to be reconciled to God.
Jesus words in John 4:35 are as applicable now as ever: "Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest." Harvesting is hard work, involving sweat and endurance and calloused hands. To be honest, I would often rather be picnicking under a nice shady oak tree then to be out harvesting. Are you with me there? Let's change. I don't think we'll regret it.
Amen to this post Stephanie! You have got the right perspective, just keep speaking up about it.
"As Christians, we need to see through all this white-washed nonsense, to have an accurate (which means biblical) picture of the true, deepest need of humanity - to be reconciled to God." (And Romans 12:2) this the same message I keep reiterating to people over and over and over again. And as for the harvest, oh how sweet it is to share in the easy work for which others have toiled before us (John 4:38).
Thanks for your comment, Penn. I was thinking today how amazing it is that we can still stand in a public place and witness or hand out gospel lit. Sometimes I wonder how much longer we'll be allowed that freedom!
well, as long as we can do it, why not get as much good gospel material out there as possible? :D
Amen! :D
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