Each day presents a choice; will I abide? Will I keep knowing Jesus the main thing, or will I politely ask Him to step back and wait for me while I take care of other things?
I am slow to learn, because I don't always seek Him first. I don't always ask for His wisdom, hunger for His nearness, think on His truth, delight in His fellowship.
.But when I do, I am surprised that I would ever choose otherwise. Knowing Christ is all. Drawing near, I feel like a desert-weary pilgrim who has found a clear, cold stream. I drink and splash and dance, refreshed.
True to His Word, in His presence is fullness of joy.
"May we never think that we can love Christ too well, live to Him too thoroughly, confess Him too boldly, lay ourselves out for Him too heartily! Of all the things that will surprise us in the resurrection morning, this, I believe, will surprise us most: that we did not love Christ more before we died." - J.C. Ryle
Amen Stephanie, great post!
I'm also surprised that we would ever choose otherwise, for abiding in Christ has such an incomparable pure beauty and perfect peace to it.
All so true - how often I too ask Him to step aside and let me handle it! But I'm getting better (by His grace) and learning to lean on Him or at least trust Him first....and then tell Him to step aside, haha ;)
True words Loris!
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